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FEEDBACK FROM PARTICIPANTS who attended a webinar around the campfire
”It was the best zoom webinar experience I’ve been a part of and I came away from it with my spirits lifted. The campfire is a wonderful concept. I feel a lot of the ‘coaching industry’ has become uninspiring and was only discussing this with colleagues in Asia earlier today. Thank you for the experience today. It was a bright spot in this age of lockdown”, Participant from England
”I would recommend everybody to watch the webinar cause the fire is soothing, calming and energizing. Pias method of coaching is perfect to the fire, the way she slowly show you the way forward and aiming for your goals. She has a open mind about the world which make it easy to believe her when she tells you that you can do it.”, Participant from Sweden
”I attended the Global Live Coaching Webinar by the campfire. This was an amazing experience, so different from what a webinar can be. Watching the lake and the campfire while Pia was coaching was refreshing! I like very much the way Pia coached participants to the webinar. The way she coached provided insights right away. What I really appreciate is that she has her own style, with authenticity and her own method that she created a while ago and which seems to give quick and valuable results. I highly recommend Pia!” Participant from the Netherlands
Exempel: Här är en introvideo till Global live coaching webinar – Find our inner peace during forest bathing
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About Pia Webb
Key note speaker and Quality of life expert Pia Webb has inspired thousands of people and successfully coached many executives and business leaders around the world. She conveys the link between the individual’s quality of life and the organisation´s success in the most inspiring and innovative ways.
She argues, don´t be afraid of changing your career or focus in life. Do what is meaningful for you right now. Recently Pia has done just that – her volentary work as a wilderness leader within Friluftsfrämjandet (Swedish Outdoor association) has now become part of her main focus!
Pia is passionate about the subject of survival and feels that she has really gotten into the right element now that she can inspire and coach individuals and groups out in nature, based on the conditions of nature through her new project – Nedsläckt äventyr (Black-out adventure).
Her vision is to inspire 10% of Sweden’s population to wanting to be prepared for unexpected events by gaining knowledge, theoretically and practically, about how to calmly handle a crisis situation e.g. a longer power outage. Win-win adventure for any organisation or individual.
Her self-help book “Improve your own quality of life the Swedish Way” has got top reviews and been awarded winning finalist in the International Book Awards (USA) under the category motivational self-help book (
”Pia Webb has created a model that is so ingenious in its simplicity that it can be applied to every aspect of life, from relationships to work and career. With this book, it becomes very clear why and how you will find your motivation, based upon your own circumstances.” Maria Torshall, former Chief Editor, Tidningen Hälsa (The Health Magazine), Sweden
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